Many business owners recognise the need for a Business Coach – they understand that it is a great help to have someone to keep them accountable, to act as a sounding board (the best antidote to the loneliness of leadership) and to give them guidance.

When you do a Google search for ‘business coach Peterborough’ and scroll past the ads and the map, you’ll find a selection of companies and individuals offering their services as a business coach. The question is, which one is the best? How will you know which one to pick?

Bright Business Advice is close to the top of the search list. It’s run by Emerson Patton and offers a range of group and individual coaching services. Emerson uses his ‘7 Sector Bright Business Advice Accelerator model’ to provide coaching to owners of small to medium-sized businesses.

Shaun Beck appears close to the top of the Google list too – Inspire Ignite is his company and the life, career and business coaching on offer is all about improvement, empowerment and action.

And that’s it on the front page. The trouble is, anyone who is familiar with the lie of the coaching land in Peterborough will know there’s much more out there.

Greenstones Business Masterminds is the brainchild of Mark Swindale and Simon Chaplin (of Greenstones fame). Their mastermind group meets 11 times a year and there’s a range of different benefits – speakers, accountability and even Mark visiting your business on a regular basis to make sure you’re putting into practice what you’ve learned.

For larger organisations, you would turn to Dyfrig Jenkins at YOU Development. Creating high performance in individuals, teams and the organisation they work for is what gets him out of bed in the morning.

Then there’s Kaizen Coaching (Japanese for ‘continuous improvement’, I think) with Hanna Magdziarek, who’s a business and personal performance coach. She specialises in organisational and business culture. She’s been teaching, training and coaching adults for 15 years and offers a range of personal and business coaching.

If you’re looking for a deep dive into Motivational Mapping or NLP, it’s worth looking up Bevis Moynhan and Paul Ward of Magenta Coaching Systems at the Coachhouse Hub in Chatteris. They help business owners, coaches and professionals to experience the peace of mind that comes from gaining clarity of direction in both their career and life.

Finally, you wouldn’t want to forget Melanie Coeshott at Blue Diamond Coaching – her range of workshops, delivered at her home, covers everything from Imposter Syndrome to Assertiveness and Dealing with Overwhelm. If you’re struggling in your business, Melanie will help you to find some balance.

I’m sure there’s more, and I’m really sorry if I’ve missed out anyone who deserves to be on this list. You’ll notice that I’ve not told you who’s the best and there’s a really good reason for that.

Coaching is very (very) personal, so you can’t judge a coach by their website or their offer. When you’re ready for coaching, I recommend that you take your time to find someone you like; someone whom you genuinely feel is able to help you. For that, Google won’t help you, other than to find their phone number or website to set up a meeting.

Good luck in your search for a great coach – there’s plenty out there in Peterborough, all with bags of testimonials and social proof of their effectiveness.

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